Corinne v. Taylor! Bachelor Villains Go Head-to-Head in the Ultimate Showdown During Women Tell All

On Monday’s Women Tell All, Nick Viall‘s castaways gathered for one giant, televised tea-spilling session — and it was glorious. Here’s a quick breakdown of the 10 most important moments that happened during the two-hour episode special.

1. Someone uttered the words “slob kabob” on national television.

Every Tell All there’s always that one contestant that literally not a single person recognizes or remembers being on the show. This time it was Elizabeth. Who is she? When was she eliminated? Has she ever actually spoken to Nick? We’ll never know, but Elizabeth will go down in Bachelor history for this iconic sentence:
“Corinne, I’m all about unleashing your Khaleesi — but you were a slob kabob at times.”

2. Liz had … a moment.

Liz has clearly been doing a lot of soul-searching since Nick sent her home — after it had been revealed that the two had slept together at a wedding months before the show.

“People who matter to me the most just love and accept me for who I am,” she said tearfully. “Despite my past — that does not define who you are. Despite your future, who you choose to be every single day when you wake up — you deserve to be fought for. You are worthy of love. It doesn’t matter your shape, it doesn’t matter your sexual past, it doesn’t matter what you have done. You deserve a man who loves you for who you are and who’s going to fight for you.”

3. Everyone had something to say about naps.

It’s hard to believe something as innocuous as a simple nap could stir up this much controversy, but Corinne‘s tendency to doze off truly dominated the topic of conversation at the Tell All. At several points throughout the episode, the debate descended into an indecipherable cacophony, with the women yelling over one another about Corinne’s naps, Taylor’s naps, when it’s appropriate to take a nap, when it’s not, and whether or not Abraham Lincoln and Michael Jordan should be considered notorious nappers. Finally, Corinne just shut it down.

4. Taylor and Corinne got after it.

Props to Chris Harrison for trying his best to mediate these two, but it just wasn’t going to happen. They went back and forth pretty much the entire episode, though Taylor certainly seemed more upset than Corinne — and even begged her to apologize for shaming her profession as a mental health counselor, explaining that Corinne’s insults have had a “direct impact” on her life and career.
Spoiler alert: Corinne refused to say sorry.

5. Corinne walked off stage mid-fight for a glass of champagne.

And #TeamCorn rejoiced.

6. Whitney came out of the woodwork.

Did anyone else notice Whitney was suddenly calling the women out left and right at the Tell All? Seriously, where was this girl all season?

7. Chris made an epic dolphin joke.

“We lost the greatest dolphin on TV since Flipper.”

8. Kristina reminded us all that like, none of this even matters.

Because nothing undercuts a screaming match about naps between two grown women more than the true story of a Russian orphan narrowly escaping a life of prostitution.

9. Rachel got a standing ovation from the ladies … and they already want her Bachelorette leftovers.
And she was perfectly cordial when she came face-to-face with Nick for the first time since he dumped her in Iceland. She’s beauty and she’s grace, guys.

10. Corinne fit the equivalent of an entire wheel of cheese in her mouth.
Shout out to ABC for the blooper real. It’s truly the gift that keeps on giving.

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