Sony has introduced the Cyber-shot HX350 digital camera in India. The camera falls somewhere between a full blown DSLR and the standard point-and-shooter. Cyber-shot HX350 will cost Rs 28,990, and is now available for sale in the Indian market.
Cyber-shot HX350 features a 24-megapixel Exmor R CMOS sensor. Sony claims the improved camera sensor will let you take best shots indoors or even in dim-light. The image processor also comes with the latest BIONZ X image processing engine, which promises accurate image processing for detailed and crisp photos.
Perhaps the highlighted feature of the HX350 is the 50x optical zoom, which Sony says will let users shoot a variety of picture styles, from portraits to landscapes, wildlife and more.
The latest camera comes with a ZEISS Vario-Sonnar T lens and 100x Clear Image zoom. The HX350 also boasts Optical Steadyshot for producing blur-free shots. The Intelligent Active Mode provides stabilization while recording Full HD videos using Sony’s proprietary frame analysis technology.
HX350 offers a tiltable 3.0-inch LCD display with a 921 dot resolution. For ports, the camera supports Micro HDMI and Hi-speed USB 2.0. Sony promises battery life of above 2 hours and 30 minutes, which should easily give more than 300 photographs on a single charge.
Sony HX350 is the successor to the HX300. Both cameras share more or less similar the features, barring a few changes. Notably, the HX350 is compact in size and has a DSLR-like body alongside an electronic view finder and manual controls.
While it may not be closer to DSLRs, Sony is targeting the HX350 at those people who need a compact camera without compromising the core performance. Sony’s new camera will be available exclusively on Amazon India from January 30 onwards.
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